From Engineer to Entrepreneur: My Journey
It was only just a few years ago, I was knee deep in solving technical challenges as an Avionics engineer. Today, as the CEO of HSB Solutions, I am still helping solve technical challenges in my domain, and much much more. I’m into everything from selling our services to finances, operations and even organizing lunches on occasion. Title may seem glamorous but I am doing much more, and I wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
So, you might ask, why did I want to take on more, and take on more risk all the while I had the comfort of collecting a salary.
I did not feel satisfied. I had the feeling I could do more. What if I could build something that the younger version of me would be proud to work at.
That “what if” led me to take a leap of faith. I founded HSB Solutions with a vision: to demonstrate the strength of Turkish engineering on a global scale.
Building a business from scratch hasn’t been easy and would be ignorant of someone to think it would be. After all, how can we grow while still remaining within the safety of our comfort zone.
The setbacks have been great learning experiences, and I have learnt to shrug off disappointments as simply “not meant to be”. To not dwell and to move on after setbacks, and look forward to other good things is part of the daily life of an entrepreneur. I believe I have become much better at this over the past couple of years.
Being an entrepreneur requires trouble shooting, problem solving on the go, and that is exactly what we are trained to do as engineers.
Today, I’m proud to call myself an entrepreneur. For all that I have learnt, I am still in the infancy stages of my journey, which is both scary and exciting, all at the same time.
To all the engineers with that nagging feeling, “what if I could do more”, I say do it. Take action —your expertise in problem solving is your superpower. Don’t be afraid to take that leap. The world needs more builders, more dreamers, and more doers.
Are you an engineer thinking about taking the leap into entrepreneurship? Let’s connect—I’d love to hear your story! Follow our journey here and IG Channel Couplepreneur_Journey (link in comments).